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670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn,
NY 11216

+1 800 966 4564
+1 800 9667 4558


Identifying the Pain Point:

  1. Inefficiency of Traditional Resumes:            Traditional resumes are static and unverifiable, making it challenging for employers to trust the skills and experiences listed by candidates.
  2. Label of “Fresher”: Despite years of academic study, students are often perceived as freshers with no real-world experience, making it difficult for them to secure desirable job placements.
  3. Lack of Practical Experience: Students often lack hands-on experience in real-world software development, which is a key requirement for many tech jobs.

Solving the Pain Point with digri:

  1. Dynamic Digital Profiles: digri creates automatically built, tamper-proof digital profiles that evolve with the student. These profiles integrate data from global platforms like GitHub, SonarCloud, LeetCode, and HackerRank, as well as digri’s own LPA module. This provides solid proof of skills and achievements, making students stand out in the job market.
  2. AI-Driven Personalized Learning Paths: digri uses AI to create customized learning paths based on individual strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations. This ensures that students acquire the exact skills needed by the industry, making their learning journey efficient and effective.
  3. Mentorship by Industry Experts: digri offers a robust mentorship system, pairing students with experienced industry professionals, academicians, alumni, and even AI-driven mentors. This guidance helps bridge the gap between academic learning and industry requirements, providing valuable insights, advice, and support throughout the learning journey.
  4. Comprehensive LPA Module: The Learn, Practice, Assess (LPA) system is at the heart of digri’s approach.
    • Learn: Students access AI-generated, personalized learning content tailored to their specific needs and career goals.
    • Practice: They can solve dynamic problems and practice coding in real-time, enhancing their skills through continuous practice.
    • Assess: Students undergo proctored assessments to test their skills in a controlled environment. Their performance in these assessments adds to their digri score, which becomes part of their digital profile, showcasing their proficiency.

The Value Proposition:

By addressing these pain points, digri provides immense value to students, colleges, and employers:

  • Students: Become job-ready with verifiable skills, personalized learning paths, and continuous mentorship.
  • Colleges: Can showcase their graduates’ achievements more effectively, improving placement records.
  • Employers: Can trust the authenticity of candidates’ profiles, leading to more efficient and effective hiring processes.


By integrating dynamic digital profiles, AI-driven learning paths, expert mentorship, and the comprehensive LPA system, digri is solving critical issues in the education and employment landscape. This makes digri a compelling product, ensuring that students are not just seen as freshers but as experienced, job-ready professionals.

This strategic shift emphasizes how digri’s mentorship and LPA system transform the student learning experience and align with industry needs, ultimately revolutionizing the way students prepare for their careers.